Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 Things Entrepreneurs Have in Common

  1. Attitude: Entrepreneur's have the mindset of an eternal optimist. There are no excuses and the only problems that exist are ones that can be overcome. There is a solution for everything and quitting is never an option.
  2. Intention: Things that are done with intent have positive results. Entrepreneurs work with the end result in mind and set forth a plan of attack that will get them to their ultimate goal.
  3. Purpose: Everyone has something that motivates them; freedom, money, family, etc. Entrepreneurs know exactly what they want in life and have a purpose ALWAYS in mind that drives them to get what they want.
  4. Passion: Passion is the fuel that drives you. Just like having a purpose, successful people have a passion for what they do that drives them toward that success. Passion is also contagious. The more others see this passion, the more likely they are to follow suit. Success isn't just about one person getting to where they want to be; this effort takes an entire group of people and the more passion they see in their leader, the more inclined they'll be to follow.
  5. Resolve: Persistence creates winners! Instead of viewing obstacles as they are, entrepreneurs use these barriers to build strength. There is always a lesson to be learned whether the outcome was successful or not.
  6. Plan: Entrepreneurs have specific goals that map out their route to success. These goals are meticulously planned out, making it much easier to follow the path to their eventual success.
  7. Responsibilities: A "no excuses" mentality is what separates someone who is successful from a person who is mediocre. Entrepreneurs always accept responsibility for their actions and the actions of the people around them. The idea is that "we win as a team and we lose as a team". Also, they're not afraid to step up to the plate. While others shy away from more work and more time invested, successful people will always be willing to take on whatever it takes to get the job done and get the job done well.
  8. Words: The words you speak and the way that you use them says a lot about what kind of person you are. Those who are below average talk about others. Average individuals talk about events and circumstances. Entrepreneurs (winners) talk about goals and ideas, especially their own!
  9. Actions: What you do is a direct reflection of your character. Anyone can talk the talk but those who are able to walk the walk are the real winners in life. Entrepreneurs are always ready for the action. They understand that actions are what will ultimately produce results and aren't afraid to take them.
  10. Peers: The saying is that you are the average of the five people who are closest to. Entrepreneurs understand this theory and cater their peer groups accordingly. They spend their time with the people who they want to be like and those who support them in their journey to success.

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