Thursday, September 22, 2011

Seven Habits for Life & Business Success

Adapted from Steven Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"

1. Be proactive! Determine what you need to work on, identify your desired results and create a plan to accomplish them. Constantly be evaluating yourself: have a firm grasp of your current situation, a clear picture of your desired future situation and work to get there by making forward-thinking improvements.

2. Begin with the end in mind. Always understand the end goal and be willing to do what it takes to get there. Remember why you are here and that you may have to make short term sacrifices to achieve long term gains. Ultimately, if you are not ready and willing to go up, then you're in the wrong spot.

3. Keep first things first. Prioritize your life! Identify what aspects of your life are most important; structure your days (and actions!) around keeping these in items in order and in balance.

4. Think win-win. Feedback is worth both giving and taking. Keep in mind that by giving criticism, people are showing that they care about you and your success. Furthermore, by giving others criticism, you are showing that you care about them. Reward yourself by helping people and ensure that you are giving criticism wisely.

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. In business as in life, the reality of a situation is not always apparent upon first glance. Always identify the truth behind the reality by investigating the facts driving the situation. Try approaching the situation like a child, always seeing it for the first time and focusing on listening, not reacting. When appropriate, ensure you are "attacking" with professional, not personal, gains in mind.

6. Synergize. See your life as a series of many small pieces, like the motor of a car, that all must effectively work together in order to do anything. When you personally are balanced and your relationships with others are also in order, it is like all 4 cylinders are rockin' and rollin'. Focus daily on making sure all pieces to your life puzzle are fit together as one, cohesive unit.

7. Sharpen the saw. TAKE TIME FOR YOU! To be effective, you must ensure that not only your physical needs are taken care of, but that you are emotionally, psychologically and spiritually well. Just like a saw can't cut wood when it is dull, you can't expect to get the most out of each day if you are dull in any of these areas.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Failures and Mistakes

Taken from John Wooden's, A Principled Life:

"I had mistakes, plenty, but I had no failures. We may not have won a championship every year. We may have lost games. But we had no failures. You never fail if you know in your heart that you did the best of which you are capable. I did my best. That is all I could do.

Are you going to make mistakes? Of course. But it is not failure if you make the full effort.

I told my players many times, "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." If you prepare properly, you may be outscored but you will never lose. I wanted our players to believe that to their very souls because I know it is the truth. You always win when you make the full effort to do the best of which you're capable.

I also know that only one person on earth knows if you made your best efforts: not your coach, not your employer, not your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, brother or sister. The only person who knows is you. You can fool everyone else."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sharpen The Saw

Sharpen The Saw
By: Steve Pavlina

Habit #7 in Steve Covey's The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is called, "Sharpen the Saw." Covey uses the common analogy of a woodcutter who is sawing for several days straight and is becoming less and less productive. The process of cutting dulls the blade. So the solution is to periodically sharpen the saw.

I've found that in practice, most people fail to understand what sharpening the saw really means. If you're overworking yourself and your productivity begins to fall of, common wisdom says to take a break, maybe even go on vacation. However, that isn't sharpening the saw - that's putting the saw down. When you put down a dull blade for a while, the blade will be dull when you pick it up again.

Sharpening the saw is actually an activity, just as the analogy suggests. Think about what it would mean to sharpen the saw of your life. Here are some saw-sharpening ideas:
  1. Exercise
  2. Improve your diet
  3. Educate yourself (read, listen to audio programs, attend a seminar)
  4. Learn a new skill
  5. Join a club
  6. Meditate
  7. Write in your journal
  8. Have a deep conversation with someone
  9. Set some new goals or review/update your old goals
  10. Organize your home or office
  11. Go out on a date
  12. Clear out a bunch of little tasks that you've been putting off
Now the woodcutter can't just alternate between cutting wood and sharpening the saw indefinitely. Downtime is needed too, but it isn't the same as sharpening the saw. The woodcutter can become even more productive by sharpening the blade, studying new woodcutting techniques, working out to become stronger, and learning from other woodcutters.

Forgetting to intentionally sharpen the saw can lead to a feeling of burnout. If you merely alternate between productive work and downtime, your productive capacity will drop off. You're still working hard, but you don't feel as productive as you think you should be. When you sharpen yourself regularly, you'll find out that you can flow along at a steady pace week after week without getting burnt out.

Whenever I feel burnt out or overwhelmed, taking a day or two off helps a little, but not very much. What yields a much greater benefit for me is attending a weekend seminar, reading an inspiring book, or having an interesting conversation. It's common to see as people return from a conference with a notable spike in motivation that lasts for weeks. But this isn't really a break or a vacation- going to a conference is an activity, but it's that kind that often increases energy and motivation.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Power of Goal Setting

Mark McCormack, a renown lawyer, athlete, and writer, focused a great deal of his energy on unlocking the power of goal setting. In his book What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School, he unveils the results of a longitudinal study he performed at one of America's most eminent universities, Harvard. He conducted the study between 1979 and 1989, studying students in Harvard's MBA program. In 1979, he asked the participants a simple question, "Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?"

The results to this seemingly simple question were rather surprising. A mere 3% of the students sampled said that they did indeed have a very clear picture in mind as to what their goals are and how they intended to get there. 13% had goals in mind but had not written them down. The remainder, a staggering 84%  had no specific goals in mind.

McCormack revisited his subjects ten years later in 1989. He found that the 13% those who said they had goals but not in writing earned twice as much, on average, as the 84% who didn't have goals for their future. Most astounding is that the 3% of graduates who had a clear, written plan for success were earning, on average, TEN TIMES as much as the remaining 97% of Harvard MBA graduates.

The only difference between the two groups of people were the goals they had upon graduation.

The reason this simple key to success is so overlooked is easy; people just don't get it. They don't understand the importance of goal setting or the impact that it will have on their eventual success. Having a clear and concise vision of where you want to be and what you need to do to make that happen is essential to reaching your full potential.

Why People Don't Set Goals:
  • They think goals aren't important
    • People are a product of their upbringing. When someone comes from a family who doesn't emphasize the importance of success goals, it can't be expected that he or she will set their for his or herself. 
  • They don't know how
    • Instead of having goals, most people have wishes or dreams of what they want to be. They don't have a clear understanding of what it takes to make these dreams a reality.
  •  They have a fear of failure
    • No one wants to set themselves up for failure. Some people feel like by setting goals they are holding themselves accountable for something they aren't going to be able to attain. By not setting any goals, there is no expectations and therefore no chance of failure. 
  • They have a fear of rejection
    • The fears instilled in us by middle school somehow manage to stay with us well into adulthood; the fear of rejection drives many. Some fear that if they fail, others will criticize them. If they do have goals, they keep them confidential so no one else will be holding them accountable. 
 Taken from Goals! How to Get Everything You Want-Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 Things Entrepreneurs Have in Common

  1. Attitude: Entrepreneur's have the mindset of an eternal optimist. There are no excuses and the only problems that exist are ones that can be overcome. There is a solution for everything and quitting is never an option.
  2. Intention: Things that are done with intent have positive results. Entrepreneurs work with the end result in mind and set forth a plan of attack that will get them to their ultimate goal.
  3. Purpose: Everyone has something that motivates them; freedom, money, family, etc. Entrepreneurs know exactly what they want in life and have a purpose ALWAYS in mind that drives them to get what they want.
  4. Passion: Passion is the fuel that drives you. Just like having a purpose, successful people have a passion for what they do that drives them toward that success. Passion is also contagious. The more others see this passion, the more likely they are to follow suit. Success isn't just about one person getting to where they want to be; this effort takes an entire group of people and the more passion they see in their leader, the more inclined they'll be to follow.
  5. Resolve: Persistence creates winners! Instead of viewing obstacles as they are, entrepreneurs use these barriers to build strength. There is always a lesson to be learned whether the outcome was successful or not.
  6. Plan: Entrepreneurs have specific goals that map out their route to success. These goals are meticulously planned out, making it much easier to follow the path to their eventual success.
  7. Responsibilities: A "no excuses" mentality is what separates someone who is successful from a person who is mediocre. Entrepreneurs always accept responsibility for their actions and the actions of the people around them. The idea is that "we win as a team and we lose as a team". Also, they're not afraid to step up to the plate. While others shy away from more work and more time invested, successful people will always be willing to take on whatever it takes to get the job done and get the job done well.
  8. Words: The words you speak and the way that you use them says a lot about what kind of person you are. Those who are below average talk about others. Average individuals talk about events and circumstances. Entrepreneurs (winners) talk about goals and ideas, especially their own!
  9. Actions: What you do is a direct reflection of your character. Anyone can talk the talk but those who are able to walk the walk are the real winners in life. Entrepreneurs are always ready for the action. They understand that actions are what will ultimately produce results and aren't afraid to take them.
  10. Peers: The saying is that you are the average of the five people who are closest to. Entrepreneurs understand this theory and cater their peer groups accordingly. They spend their time with the people who they want to be like and those who support them in their journey to success.

Friday, February 4, 2011

How to Build Sales Through Active Listening

How do you cultivate a customer focus? By listening, interpreting, evaluating, and understanding your customers' wants and needs. It's only after listening and internalizing your customer's goals that you can respond appropriately.

Being an active listener doesn't minimize your need to be clear, concise and persuasive. It simply improves your ability to perform those tasks to the best of your ability. Astute listening skills arm you with the tools you need to respond appropriately and become more successful. Below are four ways that you can improve your active listening skills.

Ask good questions and then listen carefully to the responses

Be sure to observe nonverbal communication, too, including tone, pitch, intonation, and energy level. Note body language to truly understand what your customers are trying to tell you. 

Establish conversations where there is interaction between you and your customers
Ask open-ended questions. Listen to the responses. Respond by letting them know how you interpreted what they said to make sure you didn't misunderstand. Listen again and then ask another question that will help you address their wants. You'll not only get the information you need, but you'll also establish a relationship with a customer that has the potential to bring in future business. 

Listen attentively

Customers want you to focus on them and tune in to their special needs. You can let them know you're listening by nodding from time to time or with brief spoken responses. If there's something you don't understand, don't act as though you do. Ask for clarification.

Don't let your mind drift off

Keep your focus; don't look around to see what else is going on near you. Don't worry about what you'll say next. That will happen naturally by responding to what the customer has to say. Work on solving customer problems and becoming the ultimate resource person for subsequent ones.

The best salespeople don't sell products or services - they solves their customer's problems. By asking open-ended questions, you can sometimes uncover issues the customer wasn't aware of and avert a problem before it occurs. That makes you a hero - a "go-to" person who can be relied on to not only solve, but avoid problems.

When you listen actively, you position yourself to identify and address customer needs productively and profitably. That's the stuff great salespeople are made of. And it all happens because you're a good listener.

Adapted from the article, "How to Build Sales by Active Listening," by Carol Dunitz, Ph. D.  (

Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Sell Like Jay Leno

By: Geoffrey James

  I recently wrote a profile of Jay Leno for SellingPower magazine.  That article pointed out that Leno isn’t just an entertainer, but also a consummate sales professional.   Leno’s first job was in Sales (door-to-door, in fact) and he’s always been active in selling both his TV program and his numerous public speaking engagements.  Most recently, Leno led the charge to sell his new prime-time program to NBC affiliates.

In the SellingPower article, I included a sidebar entitled “How to Sell Like Jay Leno.”  The sidebar was intended for sales managers and had advice about setting up a sales team to encourage the kind of personable sales style — a combination of determination and likeability — that Leno uses.
Since Leno's new TV show looks likely to be a big success, I thought it would be fun to revisit that advice.  You’ll have to find a copy of the magazine to get the full version, but here’s a shorter version, with a bit extra added (rule #6 is new):
  • RULE #1: Failure is never permanent. Leno wasn’t an overnight sensation.  Some of his early performances on Carson’s Tonight Show were weak and he didn’t appear on television for years. But he kept honing his skills and eventually became a regular guest on Letterman’s show, eventually earning him a guest host gig on Tonight, which led to his current success.
  • RULE #2: Work is better than vacation. Leno is famous for spending his free time doing personal appearances that help his career.  He seldom, if ever, takes vacations although he is quite generous in giving vacations to his staff.  The truth is that, unlike people who see work as a way to fund other “fun” activities, Leno see work as something that’s fun all by itself.
  • RULE #3: Fake it before you make it. Leno has a history of sticking his neck out to further his career.  For example, when Leno was just beginning to appear regularly on television, his career got a big public relations boost when he was selected “Best Face to Caricature” by the “American Caricature Association,” an organization that he invented.
  • RULE #4: Everyone is a potential customer. Unlike celebrities who remain distant from their public, Leno makes a point of being accessible.  He invariably waves and smiles when he’s spotted in driving one of his many rare automobiles. When hired for speeches, he greets and shakes the hands of as many people as possible.
  • RULE #5: Give back to the community. One way that Leno builds his image as a likeable guy is to dedicate time to community service.  For example, Leno has been known to fly at his own expense to Chicago or Detroit to do benefits for the homeless.  While Leno’s generosity is clearly genuine, there’s no doubt that it helps his “brand” when people view him as a nice guy.
  • RULE #6: Be generous with your thank-yous. After the original article appeared, Leno personally called SellingPower publisher Gerhard Gschwandtner and thanked him for the publishing the article.  He didn’t have to do that, but that gives you an indication of how Leno thinks.  Leno truly is the nice guy he plays on TV — and that’s why he’s so successful.